Handgemaakte sieraden
Edelstenen zijn bijzondere dingen. Van op het eerste gezicht grauwe stenen kan je de mooiste dingen maken. Tenminste, dat is mijn ervaring. Daarom zijn voor mij alle stenen “edel” en noem ik ze ook zo. Hoewel ik zeker ervaring heb met de kracht en helende werking van edelstenen zal je daar weinig over kunnen vinden op deze site. Hier gaat het om de schoonheid van de steen, en volgens mij schuilt daarin ook zijn grootste kracht.
Alles wat je op deze site kunt kopen is handgemaakt van ruw materiaal.
Kijk lekker rond, ik hoop dat er iets leuks voor je tussen zit. Zo niet, stuur gerust een berichtje ik maak het met plezier op maat in de door jou gewenste vorm en formaat van een door jou gekozen steen.
Handgemaakte sieraden
Edelstenen zijn bijzondere dingen. Van op het eerste gezicht grauwe stenen kan je de mooiste dingen maken. Tenminste, dat is mijn ervaring. Daarom zijn voor mij alle stenen “edel” en noem ik ze ook zo. Hoewel ik zeker ervaring heb met de kracht en helende werking van edelstenen zal je daar weinig over kunnen vinden op deze site. Hier gaat het om de schoonheid van de steen, en volgens mij schuilt daarin ook zijn grootste kracht.
Alles wat je op deze site kunt kopen is handgemaakt van ruw materiaal.
Kijk lekker rond, ik hoop dat er iets leuks voor je tussen zit. Zo niet, stuur gerust een berichtje ik maak het met plezier op maat in de door jou gewenste vorm en formaat van een door jou gekozen steen.
A workshop is always so much fun, but sometimes it really goes beyond my wildest expectations what people will create. Sure it is a beautiful stone, and I assisted a little, but only a little bit. Imagine going home with a stone like this. Nothing short of amazing.
#workshop #lapidaryworkshop #edelsteenslijpen #maliganojasper #maliganojaspis #lapidaryartist #silverjewelry #jewelry #gem #edelsteen
I recently stumbled upon the YouTube page of @silverworker1 and decided to recreate one of his designs, really enjoy watching his videos. I cut a decent cab, but designing jewelry is a pain for me. Love the design also love the outcome. I think it really fits the #labradorite . Thanks Chad!
#handmadejewelry #silverjewelry #labradoriet #zilverensieraden #zilversmeden #silversmithing #havingfun
Hosted a #workshop #stenenslijpen yesterday, 1 of these gorgeous #sodaliet #cabochons is cut by me and one by the one who took the workshop. Would you be able to tell who cut which stone? I know because I cut one, otherwise I wouldn`t.
#lapidaryartist #sodalite #jewelry #cabochonmaker #cabochonsupplier #madebyhand #edelsteen #edelsteenslijpen
Few weeks ago I saw the most beautiful #bluechalcedony in a post by @puuredelsteentje.nl which I really wanted to cut some cabs from. Luckily she was kind enough to share the address she got these amazing rocks. I managed to get some great roughs and this is the first batch I cut. Flawless and shiny cabs, can`t stop looking at them. For me this is the most satisfying about cutting cabs, to enjoy nature in all its beauty. Really thankful I get to do that. My favorite is the little asymetric teardrop, after all, life is hardly ever symetrical, is it?
#cabochonsupplier #cabochons #lapidary #jewelry #silverjewelry #silversmithing #chalcedoon #blauw #cabochonmaker #natureswonders #sobeautiful #edelstenen #gems
Something you won`t see every day I suppose. A 46,5 grams #nuummite cab. There`s a ton of golden and bleuish flakes in it, but in the reflection you see more of my house than the flakes, sorry for that. It`s fun to work with, but not very easy to get a good result from. So I`m happy with how it turned out.
For the right price it can be yours.
#cabochonsupplier #cabochon #lapidaryartist #lapidary #nuuk #edelsteen #natureswonders #luckyme
#agate as good as it gets imho. I believe this is #trentagate but I`m not sure. Love the scenic view. Do you see the face looking from behind the mountain if the cabs is tilted sideways? Or is it just me. I can`t choose which way is up, it looks beautiful any way you look at it. Again imho. Enjoy.
#cabochonsupplier #cabochon #jewelrymaking #cabochonmaker #gemstone #gem #edelsteen #sieraad #zilverensieraad #silverjewelry #silversmithing
I truly love this rock. Fun thing is I`m not entirely sure if this is #deschutesjasper or #bluebiggsjasper I thought this one is deschutes, but whatever. It turned out great, look at that landscape. Very grateful for my US friends who provide me with this awesome rough. This one comes from @classic_lapidary thanks bro!
#lapidary #lapidaryartist #cabochonmaker #jasper #jaspis #edelsteenslijpen #edelsteensieraad #edelsteen #silversmithing #sobeautiful #landscapejasper #landschapsjaspis
It has been a while, but I thought i`d start posting some things again. #apachesagerhyolite is a very interesting stone, I often have to explain that I didn`t paint it. Mother nature does it qll by herself.
#silverjewelry #silversmithing #lapidaryartist #lapidary #zilverensieraad #zilver #cabochonmaker #cabochonsupplier #cabochon #hanger #sieraad #rhyolite #sobeautiful
So I changed hobbies, I`m a constructor now... no just kidding, yesterday I cracked my first geode. Such a fun thing to do and result is really nice. If you ever come across a place where they do it, don`t miss the opportunity.
#geode #lapidary #lapidaryartist #geodecracking #naturesjewels #edelstenen #bollenkraken #rockhounding #gem #gemstones #edelsteen #edelsteenslijpen
Usually I share cabs that I cut from rough. But this is such an exceptional beauty. It`s what they call #purplesagenite at least, that`s what I was told. It`s a kind of #fluorite.
It is difficult to cut because it is soft and has different kinds of hardness. But the result are awesome, I will show you in near future. Enjoy.
#lapidary #lapidaryartist #lapidaryrough #purple #sagenite #gem #gemstones #cabochonmaker #edelsteen #edelsteenslijpen #naturesjewels
Hi everyone, I felt like posting something again. A shiny, flawless #agate from #botswana . I am not particularly fond of agate. But the lines and beautiful dark brown color really grabs your attention.
I often get the question if the cabs are for sale, and of course they are so I decided to mention prices from now on. Send me a dm if you are interested. This one is $36/€36
Anyway, thanks for taking a look, and have a wonderful day.
#cabochonforsale #cuttingcabochons #cabochonmaker #agate #gem #gemstones #lapidary #lapidaryartist #lapidaryart #cabochon #agaat #botswanaagaat #edelsteen #edelsteensieraden